Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mirrors on Moon to light up Earth

Japanese scientists have unveiled plans to turn the moon into a gigantic mirror-ball manned by robots to provide all the Earth's energy needs. The ambitious project would result in 13,000 terawatts of continuous solar energy being transmitted back to receiving stations on Earth, either by laser or microwave. The plans were unveiled by Japanese construction giant Shimizu Corporation's research division, and would result in a 11,000 km long band stretching around the light side of the moon's equator. "A shift from the economical use of limited resources to the unlimited use of clean energy is the ultimate dream of all mankind," the Daily Mail quoted Shimizu Corporation as saying on its website.

"The Luna Ring, our lunar solar power generation concept, translates this dream into reality through ingenious ideas coupled with advanced space technologies. Virtually inexhaustible, non-polluting solar energy is the ultimate source of green energy that brings prosperity to nature as well as to our live. Shimizu Corporation proposes the Luna Ring for the infinite coexistence of mankind and the Earth," added Shimizu Corporation.

They are set to announce the move at the G8 summit in France, where green energy generation will be high on the agenda.

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