Saturday, November 30, 2013

Warrior's Retribution sketch

Took 4 hours to complete this! I thought the most simple part to draw would be the sword and that ended up being the most difficult. I redrew the sword part 3 times. The earlier ones ended up being too small. After all  Sven is warrior and a tiny sword would look really bad. This is based on DotaCinema's set for Sven called "The Warriors Retribution" which can be purchased from here

I made this drawing to submit to DotaCinema for its giveway  contest  I added some writings on the sword, bracer and belt. The writing on the belt on the extreme right says "Sven" Hindi. I first drew it in pencil then used a black pen to darken the border. I wanted to do something about the legs but then decided to leave it that way.

I hope DotaCinema finds it good enough so that they can give me the Warrior's Retribution set!