Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Genes tweaked, cows will give 'human milk'

 Chinese scientists claim to have created a herd of more than 200 cows that is capable of producing milk similar to that of humans. Genetically modified (GM) dairy products that are similiar to human milk will appear on the Chinese market in two years, according to a report in the state run China Daily. "The scientists have successfully created a herd of more than 200 cows that is capable of producing milk that contains the characteristics of human milk," Li Ning, director of the State Key Laboratories for AgroBiotechnology at China Agricultural University, told the Daily.
                                     The technology is at the "cutting edge" worldwide and will ensure "healthy protein contained in human milk is affordable for ordinary consumers", he said. Human milk contains two kinds of nutrition that can help improve the immune and central nervous systems of children. The components are not available in milk production by goats or cows, he said. "The milk tastes stronger than normal milk. Within 10 years, people will be able to pick up these human milk like products at the supermarket."

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