Thursday, March 17, 2011

This is something important for each one of us.

  1. Don't drink Appy Fizz. It contains cancer causing agents.
  2. Don't eat Mentos before or after drinking coke because the person will die as soon as the mixture becomes cyanide.
  3. Don't eat Kurkure, it contains a very heigh level of plastic. Try burning one piece & see the result.
  4. Avoid these tablets :                                  

                             Vicks action 500        
                             D cold
They contain Phenyl-propanal-amide (PPA). which cause strokes & these are banned in USA.

6-Do not put your mobile closer to your ears until the recipient answers, because directly after dialing the mobile, would use its max signal power which is 2 Watts+33dbi.
Please use left ear for hearing as it does not effect the brain directly

7- Don't use cotton bud bought from road side as they are made from reused cotton from hospitals. It can  cause Herpes Zoster Oticus (Infection of inner, middle & external ear)


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